the reason why i was on hiatus

It's not that dramatic. 

Hi, guys! I know I've been MIA on the past 5 months and I'm truly sorry for that. Blogging has been my hobby since I was in elementary and has always been a source of happiness for me. I've found new friends and have experienced new things because of this platform. But, ever since I graduated in college, things have changed. I've also changed in a lot of ways. My job as a teacher took a toll on me. I constantly have mood swings and feel irritated most of the time. It was kind of stressful, actually. And I needed a lot of time to adjust. On top of that, I was involved in a car accident last March. It wasn't really serious. I had no major injuries--just a bump on the forehead. Still, that time, I felt the need to take a break from life--including blogging.

Blogging still gives me joy but on the last 5 months that I was gone, I just couldn't find the motivation to post. I kept on trying to write and write but it just felt unnatural and for me it felt like I was pushing myself too much. It's like I felt lost and somehow, I didn't want to talk about that. I wanted to talk about happier things and positive stuff to show that I'm doing fine and this adult life isn't tearing me apart but I just couldn't. I had nothing to say.

And so, I decided to stop for a while. Take a break. Take it slow. Revive yourself.

I told you it wasn't that dramatic. Just a small town girl feeling lost in this thing called life. But hey, I'm doing better now. The reason why I posted this blog is to finally, and genuinely say that I'm fine. I missed blogging. I missed talking to myself (my mind) while I'm typing this. Haha. I feel like I've adjusted just fine. Yes, my job's still stressful but I can deal with it now. Did I mention that I miss blogging? Coz I really do. And can I just tell you that I'm disappointed with my photos? Lol. My camera is outdated, I feel like it's slowly giving up on me now. I badly want to replace it real soon but ain't got the cash to do so. Also, I just don't have enough time to shoot yet but I'll be back full time soon. I promise.

How have you been lately?


  1. That's why I haven't seen anything new from you! Well, take your time. After all, your welfare is more important. You can't function well if you are not well. Hope you'll be ok!

  2. Thank you so much, Ate Kristine! I think I'll be okay now! x

  3. I can totally relate! Starting a new job this year definitely took a toll on my blogging. Hope things look up !

  4. Been checking your blog since summer vacation to see if you posted something new, I'm glad you're back and you're doing fine. Thank God you didn't suffer from any serious injuries from the car accident, and I hope you'll do great on your job.

    Take much time to redeem yourself Ate Bee, you'll be back on track as soon as you know it!
