21 BEFORE 21

OKAY. I've got a little news for you—it was my birthday yesterday!! I just turned 21 he hehe. I know some of you might be quite confused with the title but all shall be revealed at the right time (and by "right time" I mean later. So, sit back and relax for now teehee). I was planning to post two diff entries for my birthday experience & my "21 before 21" entry but I ran out of time!!! The original plan was to post this blog last Saturday but I left my laptop in my apartment and so I miserably failed to publish it. And failed to make a draft! Whoops! But since there's no better time than now, why don't we just combine both into one post? Amirite, amirite?

I feel so blessed because I was feeling quite down last week but my students made me feel really really happy when they surprised me. I wasn't really expecting that they'd prepare something for me because after all, my birthday landed on a Sunday. But last Friday, they surprised me with letters and cupcakes. I cried, of course. It was like a huge baggage was lifted from me. I wasn't really excited about my birthday because I was going through a rough patch but since Friday, I felt kind of giddy about it.

Also, last Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to Skyranch like what I've said on my previous post, we've been planning for this since November. Julian, my boyfriend, kinda have motion sickness and he already told me when we were in the bus that he wasn't feeling well. Even when we went to Skyranch last year, he felt nauseous and I even bought him medicine that time because he really couldn't take it any longer. Same thing happened this year, that is why right after we ate dinner, he took his medicine so he could ride some of the attractions. We weren't able to try all of the rides because we were so tired. We've been walking a lot and we ate dinner almost immediately after we reached SM Pampanga so our stomachs were full before we went to Skyranch. The ones we tried are Pampanga Eye, Loop Coaster, Sky Cruiser and Express Train. Julian has sworn not to ride the Super Viking again cuz the last time, he puked right after the ride. Yikes! It was partially my fault cuz I insisted and I seriously felt bad right after. Anyways, we didn't do it this year but I kept on teasing him to do it. It was kinda fun, lol.

We also went to Papemelroti which is one of my favorite stores here in PH. It's full of papers and artsy stuff which I love. I was looking around and saw a cute board with a quote on it (i really don't know what it's called, but just look at the above picture for reference.) I have two small of these at home with different quotations, of course. I told him that the board looks cute and was quite bigger than what I have. He asked me if I'm going to buy it. I told him no (I didn't tell him I wasn't going to buy it because it was pretty expensive lol). He kept nagging me, asking if I like it and if I was going to buy it. The guy went on and on and then he told me he was going to get it and give it to me. I find it funny because he doesn't know how to surprise me LOL but it's kind of sweet, too.

DECEMBER 4--MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm just gonna storytell what happened real fast.. So, I bought a cake for my care group member because it's also her birthday then after I went to church. After that, my care group members surprised me with flowers and balloons and cake. I felt touched, to be honest, because I don't get flowers a lot. And I feel like it's really sweet when you give flowers to someone. At 4pm, my family and I went to Starbucks with Julian and then we had dinner while having a meeting with another churchmate for the Youth Christmas Party of our church. I'm so excited for what's going to happen this December!! (But I need to tone down my expenses bec I'm about to go broke cuz my savings bid its goodbye yesterday) I CRI

Just so you know, I'm typing this blog post right now time check 11:55pm of December 4, so it's still my birthday but of course when I'm finished writing this, it'll already be December 5 and I'll be forced to edit my intro. Ugh, why did I ever forget to make a draft earlier?????????

This year has been a roller coaster for me. So many things happened, it has been a series of ups and downs. But I'm really grateful for another year God has given me. All the life lessons I've learned were worthy of all the bad patches I've dealt with this year. And nowwwwww, I want to share with you 21 things I've learned before I turned 21.

  1. It's okay to feel lost. You're not supposed to know everything and have your life go the way you planned because it doesn't run that way. It's okay to feel lost.

  2. Do not try to please everyone. You'll end up disappointed and hurt because the truth is: YOU WILL NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE.

  3. Do not invest on temporary people. Period.

  4. Learn to stand on your own.

  5. Don't build walls; build bridges. Lower your freakin' pride.

  6. Embrace your flaws. Everything about you is a masterpiece.


  8. Stop comparing yourself to other people. 

  9. Let go of toxic people.

  10. Find joy in every situation.

  11. Give generously.

  12. Don't rush things. Be patient.

  13. Being alone is okay. You don't have to feel scared of it.

  14. Appreciate the bad.

  15. Love even when you're hurt. Because love heals.

  16. Be kind to yourself.

  17. Overthinking kills.


  19. Forgive the people who hurt you.

  20. You are a work in progress. Cut the nega vibes & think positive.

  21. Accept everything and move forward.

Phew! That's about it. I'm so excited on what's going to happen this December and on 2017. Hoping for a December full of good memories.


  1. You go Ate Bee. Happy birthday again. xx

  2. I love all the 21 lessons but I'd like to put emphasis on 'being alone is okay'. It has a huge impact on me. When I entered college and this school of mine doesn't really have a huge population so I have different friends from different departments but the closest and dearest friends I have aren't in the same department that I am in so it's pretty hard to mingle with people who are totally different from me especially with interests. I am interested in books but they don't like them. So I tend to be alone but for me, it's okay because as an introvert, being alone in a public place is such a glorious thing even though people may think I'm an outcast or I'm having huge problems. But deep inside, I'm so happy to have the alone time to experience the benefits of it. Haha! I just hope a lot of people would realize that there are people who are fine with it and it doesn't meant they're having problems or what. :) Advance merry Christmas, Bee! :)
